this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don’t warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
with autism you are basically building your understanding in a truer way than conventional social paradigms
enlightenment experiences happen, its been a while since i have had any and i canʼt say i miss them, too much trauma !
“ if u dont mind me asking, in what way were they traumatic ? ”
its heightened awareness and stressful and all the rest of it...
like waking up and discovering you have been in a car accident !
you are just doing your usual stuff then suddenly you whipped through the void to infinity, shake his/her hand then you are whipped back again changed . .
you are not the same person as before, howʼs that for dissociation !
autism is a low ‘ theory of mind ’ paradigm !
autism is a low ‘ theory of mind ’ paradigm
intellectual property is notoriously unprotected !
intellectual property is notoriously unprotected
i have seen brad warner mention that its a japanese national trait to take anything from anywhere and use it for their own purposes
“ cultural dissonance ” is not a concept with them
i have seen brad warner mention that its a japanese national trait to take anything from anywhere and use it for their own purposes
i have seen brad warner mention that its a japanese national trait to take anything from anywhere and use it for their own purposes
“ I could slap you and you would complain without seeing why I did it ”
did you check whether i had a knife !
because i ran the blade down from the bottom of your sternum to the waist line, pulled your intestine out through the slit stomach wall, wrapped it around the nearest fixed object then made you run so the rest of your gut pulled out !
thatʼs actually an execution method during the russian civil wars, except the man was made to run around a tree to pull the intestine out !
i took an axe, crushed open the skull and was amazed, where the brain should have been was an emaciated mouse running around going squeak, squeak !
i put my foot on it to put it out of its misery, but even dead it still goes “ squeak, squeak ”
ed. i have gutted a lot of wallabies and even cleaned the intestines out to eat !
thereʼs a number of people showing signs of “ socialized violence” on reddit zen, they have been taught to use violence or physical threats as a problem solving tool !
they are promoting permissive violence, thatʼs how they get what they want, and are posting on a zen board !
i knew the tune
well but had never listened to the lyrics before, they are very good !
j a s o n writes
yesterday at soccer the ball was kicked hard at my chest so naturally I covered my heart with my hand to deflect the ball, this guy on the opposing team automatically calls handball and this being a friendly game I thought it was sort of ridiculous so I said “ youʼre such a baby ” and walked away
this guy grabs me by the collar and says something angrily, I had to push him away and tell him not to fucking touch me
people canʼt handle words so they resort to violence
iʼd seen him go off even worse, so its partly my fault for saying anything as i knew there was a chance heʼd get angry
my r e p l y
sport and sports practice are an excuse for violence for some, my landlordʼs son was viciously attacked and had his jaw broken and teeth knocked out at a game, the police did nothing
that is the attacker had targeted their son and did the attack gratuitously knowing he would get away with it
when you go to your practice or game, you are always exposing yourself to this sort of person, they can leave you half dead with permanent brain injury and nothing will be done to them
beware, you just donʼt what goes on in some peopleʼs minds !
being on autistic spectrum you get these weird resonances between people, some favourable like us, some unfavourable like
some-one in a sports game or practice who just doesnʼt like who you are and implements his punishment !
jason says
your english is very wide and rounded, maybe my vocabulary will match yours one day !
my r e p l y
i use google a lot ! : o)
the glorious lamp of heaven, the sun
the higher heʼs
the sooner will his race be run
and nearer he is to setting
robert herrick
, verse two
jason asks
what do you do that you consider a waste of time ?
r e p l y
as you get more experienced almost everything you do can be somewhat productive, the question is whether it is useful in a life sense..
that is, is the road what you do puts you on rewarding in a a life sense
so i read and post on reddit zen and it has some uses, provides the impetus for good writing and makes me think and is a relatively “ safe ” exposure to real life extremes, you will notice from the zen records that some of the people in zen are not safe to be near in real life at all and actually i had a couple of quite violent replies recently that show the people are used to using physical threat as part of their modus operandi
but overall is this a useful direction to be developing in, i donʼt know . .
really, everything is secondary to the fugue states of infinity, that is the source of enlightenment, but people just donʼt want to know spewing their idiocies like they mean something and the real sacred just is an unknown element to them . .
yesterday i walked along the beach at ulverstone from early dusk to dark, the pellucid blue sea and towering clouds over a headland in the sky . .
basically everything that distracts you from the reality of the fugue states is a waste of time . .
jason asks
do you really find that people get ‘ split ’ when they know more than one language ?
my reply
only monoglots are really proficient in their language, polyglots blurr features of all the languages they know into each other
the russian poets who stayed in russia under lenin and stalin loved that language more than their lives . .
also there is a huge consumption of brain resources by the extra languages
so the answer to your question is ” yeah ”
r e p l i e s
well i wonder if blurring is a problem, or maybe its just different
r e p l y
it really affected toni packer imo, but you know its just one of those things of circumstance and the real casualty is poetry, prose seems to be much less affected !
reddit zen = gobbling idiots
reddit zen = gobbling idiots
reddit zen = gobbling fools
reddit zen = gobbling fools
tasha tudor
country life garden video
zakaj writes
an author will judge his work differently than the audience
for me,
“ you need to have been turned inside out by an unconsciously crafted flare of the embers (to make sense of ...) ”
is the best thing youʼve ever written at least of what I know
It's been floating in my skull — as if a koan — ever since
( I think it [the embers verse] touches a dimension that is extremely relevant to what is trying to unfold in my life, the fusing of objective and subjective or rather their unitary source, that uncanny valley where
subject-object are yet undifferentiated — perhaps the place where “ magic ” and “ alchemy ” can be read in a non-idiotic way, even... )
The Hydra poem is very effective in evoking imagination I could instantly visualize what you were describing very vividly, animated even, which is rare as I usually have problems visualizing what I read ! ( hence Iʼm such an ignorant when it comes to novels, fiction literature etc. its hard for me to follow as I have problem visualizing — so I prefer text that refer to abstractions ) — but the Hydra is extremely effective at that for me
You were right with “ unless you get in daily contemplative time and abstain to a significant degree from ‘ entertainment ’ then you are just wasting your time and mine ! ”
I was an arrogant asshole for ignoring that before and posting here anyway. I owe you an apology
Its extremely hard to be authentic
Iʼm a machine.
they have to be cooked and eaten quite soon after the animal is killed as enzymes in them degrade all that foamy stuff (the tubules) !
a very potent aphrodisiac and highly valued as a delicacy in some cultures !
the sheathing is a bit chewy !
sheʼd (ed. byron katie) spout hare krishna if she thought it would bring in money that one !
a cockroach crawled into her ear and ate her brain !
joshu never taught, he was just ‘ handling ’ monks who he needed for labour
it amazes me how serena williams gets away with
obviously being on steriods !
“ prolonged
high-dose anabolic-androgenic steroid use has been associated with psychiatric symptoms and cognitive deficits . . . . magnetic resonance imaging scans of the brain . . show negative correlations between steriod use and brain volume and cortical thickness ”
“ I am sitting
24/7 in my room reading books on idealism, skepticism, free will and Zen and I feel as if I am becoming mad
I am starting to doubt everythingEven whether Zen is really a thing
Maybe I will ‘ understand ’ Zen when on the brink of madness ?
I have read the Mumonkan and I understood nothing . . . I feel deceived ”
r e p l y
its the junk you read that makes you mad or listening to crap by “ zen masters ”
the mumonkan is not really “ enlightened ” and in fact most of what calls itself zen is not !
the records are usually too distorted, you have to come to understand what zen is about from the
outside !
zen is like an unknown ancient script, you need a translation vocabularly, then it will all make sense so that you can see past/correct the distortions !
the big surprise is that when you can make sense of the distortions, is that everyone prefers the distortions and will be quite violent in the defense of them !
a quote from ‘ the diamond of perfect wisdom ’ sutra
even the correct teachings should be abandoned
my comment
how many hear that ? reddit zen is an endless arguments of “ the real correct teaching ”
a poem by tostono (he knew robert creeley and was taught by him)
one day,
there will only be graves,
and no one to read our names,
and nothing strange, and nothing
to explain.
my reply
first three lines good, last two donʼt fit !
one day
there will only be graves,
and no one to read our names,
names read by
only graves
tostono replies that my rework was on “ too tight a leash ”
r e p l y
it was the leash removed, you really have trouble accepting you donʼt understand these things, robert creeleyʼs poems are quite different, he doesnʼt stick in semantic spaces like you do !
the lives of hakuin and dogen are more documented, indeed quite well known from a biographical point of view and a bit of research into them and their lives enables one to discount the hagiographical aspect quite well...
ewk prefers his zen masters as the earlier bowdlerized cryptic idiots so he can pass his time eating the lotus of “ projection ”
for most people zen and meditation are drugs to anaesthetize themselves to life, i would say you are “ most people ”
for most people zen and meditation are drugs to anaesthetize them to life, i would say you are “ most people ”
for most people zen and meditation are a drug to anaesthetize themselves to life, i would say you are “ most people ”
for most people zen and meditation are a drug to anaesthetize them to life, i would say you are “ most people ”
i use
35% hydrogen peroxide and topical colloidal silver as antibiotics on the skin
the healing phase after surgery is as important as the surgery and these topicals are instrumental !
hydrogen peroxide is both an immune stimulant and oxidisier
you need to work out what improves the problem, if you can cure it without surgery good, if you canʼt then you have techniques to help the healing
got bitten by a bat the other day, you can be sure i put plenty of 35% hydrogen peroxide on the wound, fortunately the bite wasnʼt very deep !
yeah you have the risk factors for a pilonidal cyst, you want to look on online forums to see what works best, its not a straightforward condition and there are various surgical options with possible post operative complications !
35% hydrogen peroxide and colliodal silver have saved me from skin and infection problems more than a few times !
topical iodine can help too, but use wants to be sparing
another way of looking at pilonidal cysts is it might be glorified acne in a difficult spot because of all the nerves and connective tissue in the tailbone area !
being enlightened is sorta like an “
anti-job ” only costs !
w r i t e s
youʼve helped me tremendously, answering questions, it leaves me with room to figure out other things on my own
i know youʼve gained something from helping me too !
r e p l y
yeah thatʼs important otherwise it gets too one sided !
it actually upsets me when
some-one usefully applies my advice, i think theyʼve got something at my cost !
that surprisingly is one of the big benefits of reddit zen,
no-one listens when it would be very/quite productive for them to do so !
zakaj asks
unfortunately i have no
on-topic comment about your
dealings with ewk but iʼd like to ask you if you ever reached the mystical aspect of philip k. dick, his visions more specifically ?
my reply
i read him when younger, as to what his impact was i donʼt know
i think he is a bit “ life is a dream ” certainly !
my criterion for dealing with ewk and reddit zen is “ does it generate good writing ” and i think “ hydra ” is that !
one of my best pieces plus some needed problem solving for me !
iʼve been posting lately to the insane
they look normal
but to speak to them
is like untangling the gordian knot
a twisted tangled mess roping in their self identity
which can never change
like a hydra they fling their ropes around
entangling all who come near /they can
mainly themselves actually /as it happens !
iʼve been posting lately to the insane
they look normal
but to speak to them
is like untangling the gordian knot
a twisted tangled mess roping in their self identity
which can never change
like a hydra they fling their ropes around
entangling all who come near /they can
mainly themselves actually /as it happens !
reddit zen
lost into other lives
voynichated nonsense
just lost
found !
reddit zen
lost into other lives
voynichated nonsense
just lost
found !
reddit zen
lost into other lives
voynichated nonsense
just lost
ewk makes up a quote
“ stuffing the novices mouths full of bean cakes to no purpose ”
r e p l y
you mean stuffing oneʼs brain full of pizza and tea ?
you have a book derived version of zen that suits your needs
zen is a name and thereʼs no reason it canʼt apply to what you do
but its not synchronous with the wisdom of the ancients
you are pretending to an attainment you donʼt have
well that doesnʼt differentiate from most here (ed. reddit zen)
the time you put in does !
one of the things about being on autistic spectrum is how people can be irrationally violent towards you, many years ago, when i was walking down a busy wellington street with some university friends, out of nowhere a guy came up behind me and punched me in the back of the head causing me to fall forward, he bolted like a rabbit and fortunately i had the sense not to chase him
, thereʼs nothing worse for a head injury than strenuous exercise immediately afterwards which unfortunately is the case in sports !
if we could see our weaknesses clearly, they wouldnʼt be weaknesses
if we could see our weaknesses, they wouldnʼt be weaknesses
if we could see our weaknesses they wouldnʼt be weaknesses
what i saw a lot of in my real life zen zen experience was people becoming more intellectually crippled by it, i think that happens almost de rigueur here (ed. reddit zen)
however real life zen has a social and contemplative aspect that is difficult to come by any other way
effective friendship requires a dynamic amplification of shared attributes, abilities and strengths also with the compensation of each otherʼs weak areas as well !
love is not all that is required in a relationship, you need to compensate for each otherʼs weak areas well !
this “ compensation ” is actually more primary than love, believe it or not !
. .
love is not all that is required in a relationship, you need to compensate for each otherʼs weak areas well !
ewk for some reason you have become obsessed by me and have started following my posting (ed. on reddit zen) around, this has happened with others
my “ therapy ” advice to you (ed. ewk) is to give up posting on reddit zen for six months, its making you “ mentally ill ”
planetbyter quotes from the platform sutra
“ if you are a person who truly practices the way, do not look at the ignorance of the world
for if you see the wrong of people in the world, being wrong yourself, you will be evil ”
my r e p l y
lol you are making me evil ! : o(
the platform sutra is not the direct word of huineng, but garbled, its very telling you prefer the garbled to the strong sense of what i
wrote (also next section down) isnʼt it ?
let me rephrase that quote
getting too caught up in trying to remedy the ignorance of the world will enmesh you in a tar baby whose grip is too strong to remove yourself from !
planetbyter quotes
if you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions for or against anything
to set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind
when the deep meaning of things is not understood, the mind’s essential peace is disturbed to no avail
r e p l y
“ when the deep meaning of things is not understood, the mind’s essential peace is disturbed to no avail ”
that is, you will post endlessly on reddit zen thinking you are doing something !
unsolved autistic spectrum resonance murders
al-hilli family murders
jonbenét ramsey
a quote from charles bukowskiʼs book
women {also} spoken by his to be wife, linda lee beighle
iʼd like to see you
c o m m ent
women are so definite
i never know if iʼd like to see anyone
jason writes
this looks better than better than nothing
, iʼve never worn one though and donʼt know how much it does
r e p l y
yeah they say
50% which is something
the problem is writing requires a very good brain, you just canʼt afford any concussive heft
soccer is just the wrong road for you, but you are not hearing it
the problem with headgear is they can also amplify the concussive effect, i think this has been found with helmets in
i donʼt know what the story is with that headgear in the link, but i donʼt think its necessarily any panacea !
if thereʼs a problem at the top, that is the rule making bodies persisting in ignoring the large amount of scientific and other evidence on the concussion inducement of head butting then all you can do is walk away since there appears no real
work-around !
but there are several avenues pointing to the unsuitability of soccer for you, other ways of getting head injuries, various other injuries like foot tendon problems and your working physically during the day meaning the exercise is superfluous, plus soccer being a skill thatʼs entirely useless in your life and one that dates very quickly with advancing age . .
your writing is exceptional, just donʼt diss that, you have a god given talent !
another thing is that since you are on autistic spectrum, that places you in another window of vulnerability that is hard to understand until it happens to you, some arsehole also on spectrum seeks you out to do severe damage and any sports ground is a good place to do this since the origins of sport are village battle practice, ie a certain level of violence gets overlooked !
edit : jon replied that “ actually i usually get womped in the head from someone else kicking it ”
you donʼt have a good sense of self preservation is your problem, thatʼs always something you will have to work with
hillary, the furnace mountain zen center in kentucky and now this
games like soccer are battle practice, nobody lasts too many battles, they get taken out . .
evolutionarily it is justified because they will have bred over the course of ten years or been very successful looters and retired
you are playing the sucker game, no looting or women . .
d o n t b e a s u c k e r
the suburban fantasy is not simply not for you, but also that it will wreck you !
thereʼs a heap of “ socialization ” opportunities around you, you just donʼt see them and mistake the faux brotherhood of sports for real socialization !
ewk writes on me being the
7th zen patriarch
Sane people donʼt worry that they will be medicated out of their religious beliefs
r e p l y
a pearl thanx ! :o)
any particular
anti-psychotic you recommend ?
the one i am on is called
“ anti-social ! ” : o)
the core of the way
is reflection
everything else follows . .
opinion !
a senile
old man
farts alone in his hut
disliking poetry
a sad way to be
a senile old man
farts alone in his hut
disliking poetry
a sad way to be
a senile old man
farts alone in his hut
disliking poetry
a sad way to be !
a senile old man
farts alone in his hut
disliking poetry
a sad way to be
“ Slopes of Mount Kugami — in the mountain’s shade
a hut beneath the trees — how many years it’s been my home ?
The time comes to take leave of it — my thoughts wilt like summer grasses, I wander back and forth like the evening star — till that hut of mine is hidden from sight, till that grove of trees can no longer be seen, at each bend of the long road, at every turning, I turn to look back in the direction of that mountain ”
quote from ‘ Ryokan: Zen Monk-Poet of Japan ’ translated by Burton Watson
jason asks if i know why he left
r e p l y
it sounds like the hut was at a temple and a priest was supporting him, the priest could have died or the temple was worried about him getting older and needy from a health point of view and told him to move on
thatʼs just possibilities but his health was not good
the way that farewell is written, he didnʼt want to go !
psychiatrists are normalities answer to ‘ variance ’
since normality is error then psychiatry which is a guided return to error/normalcy is in error
ewk, in your view ‘ dia kensho ’ needs psychiatric counselling !
really in your world view psychiatrists are the top of the epistemological tree, not zen masters/patriarchs !
you kowtow to normative reality
kroww posts on reddit zen
buddhism makes mind its foundation and
no-gate its gate
now, how do you pass through this
no-gate ?
its not made up, mumon says thereʼs a gateless gate, and I want to pass it !
my r e p l y
its quite simple, its aphotic progression, but you donʼt do that, you just speak in terms of what you want
you have to go where you donʼt want to go to be aphotic !
that is, progress ideas based on their internal validity, not your need to proxy !
you need to examine the world through the lens of constant correction and that naturally leads through the “ gateless gate ”
jon writes
i have a few more stories i want to post but theyʼre kinda violent and not sure if i should . . . they involve people i know personally or know about
r e p l y
you just disguise things a bit, its a learned skill but not too hard !
there's nothing i can do to stop our eyes meeting, time stops for a little bit but what i usually do after is move on
jason w r i t e s
the girls at the registers
the one in the stands
in the aisle
the girl exiting the toll booth, she was the prettiest
i guess itʼs really about the girl who shows up to the soccer games, she comes with her boyfriend but every time I look up into the stands sheʼs staring at me
as I was leaving she was giving me this half eye closed look and walking this certain way, only thing I could do is look down and away !
fascinating mobile phone
photos of /in north korea !
lying to a therapist wonʼt be helpful, learn to touch on subjects
indirectly with them and its really just a discussion, just be careful, feel people out !
how many men do you have to
shoot a day to get
RSI in the trigger finger and right arm that needs remedial massage twice a week ?
the reason the germans were so successful when their invasion of russia started was that their diplomatic corp has successfully implanted through supposed leaks etc the idea in stalinʼs mind that the red armies officer corp was in a state of fermentation and rebellion against the ruling communists
stalin and the kgb with their usual brutality, had through execution, imprisonment, torture and the gulag pretty well eliminated any effective armed services function at the begining of operation barbarossa with the result that they were routed with incredibly heavy casualites !
stalin must have twigged to this and after the war went for the german diplomats with
a vengance !
if hitler had not
over-ridden his generals advice and allowed the german army to go straight for moscow they would have won within weeks !
a particular factor was not allowing the russians to gear up their tank production, one of the miracles of the war (for the germans) was how they were successful with so few tanks and not particularly suited tank designs, their
anti-tank weaponry more than evened the balance intially !
another interesting wrong turn is the politburo wasted thier opportunity to execute stalin for this disaster, which sealed the fate for a fair portion of them, later execution !
the grand movements of history are surprisingly capricous and have fucked up origins !
thereʼs no such thing as a sport that doesnʼt have a significant injury heft !
interviews with life term prisoners at the “ black eagle ” prison in the urals !
i was just looking at
this which quite sophisticated and witty and honestly is beyond the people on reddit zen
that really they are subnormal on reddit zen !
if somethingʼs nostalgia
, you have to drop it and move on
if somethingʼs nostalgia, you have to drop it and move on
bumping heads in soccer
what i notice on reddit zen is that
OPʼs are polished to give an impression of openness or affability that is not there when you read the history !
that is they are a sucker trap, arseholes polishing themselves / their wares for attention . .
the history shows the average and now i am reading them more, reddit zen is really quite off putting in terms of the dreary intellectual waste there !
snoop dog
dr. dre feat.
snoop dogg - still dre
drop it like itʼs hot
snoop dogg
talks shit about the alabama football team a little too soon
the central problem of zen is there is no halfway house between quietitude and contemplation and even a halfway busy life of getting things done !
they conflict, no two ways about it and oneʼs life is wreckage in the ruins !
you gain life experience and knowledge and then you die
. .
you gain life experience and knowledge and then you die
. .
you gain life experience and knowledge and then you die
: o (
you gain life experience and knowledge and then you die
you gain life experience and then you die
. .
you gain life experience and then you die
. .
you gain life experience and then you die
: o (
you gain life experience and then you die
the most basic hunting skill is to not accidently shoot something you shouldnʼt, so if you come back from a hunt without firing a shot the positive side is thereʼs no other problems !
this means clearly identifying the target and matching the distance to your “ minutes of angle ” accuracy, for me i use at least three minutes of angle on the target
bullet skipping is another factor to take into consideration, always ask yourself, what happens if i miss !
you also need to clearly identify whatʼs behind the target if you miss, i got caught once with some cattle unseen in mist behind a wallaby, thank goodness i hit the wallaby !
i kill for food and basically you are after younger more tender animals and donʼt see the point of trophy hunting except as culling which is what it is i suppose !
i feel some hunting experience should be compulsory before you are allowed to own a rifle or shotgun, until you have the experience you have no idea what they are for and what they do !
its not nice !
its a brutal evisceration of the bodyʼs circulation pressure system and organs and irreversible, no comic or game character recovery !
when gutting wear disposable gloves !
i always do about ten dry fires with snap caps before going out hunting, its a very mechanical skill like tennis and you need to get into the groove !
be careful how you talk too, some people just canʼt handle any idea of blood and gore, chops in the supermarket come in cling wrap and plastic containers you know !
you are an accident, it happens, gene shuffling gives a certain combination, only way it happens, like charles bukowski, it certainly doesnʼt breed well !
this is why its so important to read quality across the centuries, this “ quality is you ” and not your “ peers ”
jason writes
i am always thinking to no end
well thatʼs what makes my thinking aphoric and not
“ Breece and I were friends at the University of Virginia back in the 70ʼs. . . . well, I say, “ friends ” — but truth be told, he was extremely guarded, quiet, depressed
We were both young members of a “ rockin ” Catholic church, St. Thomas. I was involved with a huge production of Godspell
Breece was always in the corners, watching, just observing. I knew he was
a good writer , and I knew from his chats with me that he had that lonely,
impossible-to-cope-with desperation that so many great writers have/had
The last time I saw him was at my wedding in Sept ʻ78. His wedding gift to me ? A set of
pottery-type coasters with trilobites etched into the center
I wept when he died. And to this day, I feel guilty that I didnʼt do more to help this man. I could have done more . . . ”
the tyrant grinds down his slaves and they donʼt turn against him, they crush those beneath them
heathcliff in chapter
eleven of wuthering heights
jason writes
the house is made of concrete
and the walls are thick with lead paint
the metal doors have big keyholes for big keys
and they screech when closed
throughout the house there is a mist of something old past
and the bodies of dead flys on the long kitchen table
ed. its a composite image in part of his grandmotherʼs house, the farm in massachusetts where he is living now and he was reading the following passage
i reach the high barn and start my tractor, then drive to the knob at the end of our land and stop. i sit there, smoke, look again at the cane.
the rows curve right, but around them is a sort of scar of clay, and the leaves have a purplish blight. i donʼt wonder about the blight. i know the cane is too far gone to worry about the blight.
far off, somebody chops wood, and the ax-bites echo back to me. the hillsides are baked here and have
heat-ghosts. our cattle move to the wind gap, and birds hide in the caps of trees where we never cut the timber for pasture.
i look at the wrinkly old boundary post. pop set it up when the hobo and soldier days were over. it is a
locust-tree post and will be there a long time.
a few dead morning glories cling to it
a poem by jason
the house is made of concrete
and the walls are thick with lead paint
the metal doors have big keyholes for big keys
and they screech when closed
throughout the house there is a mist of something old past
and the bodies of dead flys on the long kitchen table
my reddit zen experience has had me thinking about addiction, the trouble with addiction is from the outside the answer looks simple, just stop whatever activity
the problem is that internally its quite a different scenario, the addict sees benefit and actually deep structural change in the brain is required for a better activity benefit scenario to emerge
the problem with alcohol and drugs and why they are such a one way street is the brain damage from use crimps or even annihilates capacity for change which is why it takes almost complete destruction for an alcoholic to stop !
with reddit zen i valued the social and writing skill building, interesting quotes but also perhaps was pursuing and believing in an agenda to right at least one small corner of the world . .
what has changed recently is that i have figured anytime you post you always incur a burden of answering the offended morons/idiots and its worse now because they know me and actively seek me out
also i think my writing has plateaued and i moved too far in trying to explain things in their terms, the writing seems to have odd synchronicites in i am not quite happy with
things have changed and how they will pan out i a m n o t s u r e
with philosophers you can spend an entire lifetime working out what they are saying, its better to somewhat read them and look at what others say about them !
its interesting that
BMX, cycling,
in-line skating and snowboarding are so
concussive , not quite what one would expect !
the r/zen
thread that killed me, a bad enough expereince to make me give up posting there !
the deliberate obtuse dishonesty and plain craziness !
tostono is persistent
r/zen seems like this
painting of heironymous bosch to me !
if the world were a million things, then enlightenment is the one or two or three things that are coherent and make sense when
999,997 things are incoherent nonsense, blindness and middling and malign stupidity !
if the world were a million things, then enlightenment is the one thing that is coherent and makes sense when
999,999 things are incoherent nonsense, blindness and middling and malign stupidity !
“ how do you know youʼre enlightened ? ”
somehow you are able to see that we do nothing but walk in a dream !
“ how can someone become enlightened, or be in that state you describe ? ”
a couple of years ago i might have given you an explanation, but now i really donʼt know
you are basically asking a question about the nature of the world !
“ how do you know youʼre enlightened ? ”
somehow you are able to see that we do nothing but walk in a dream !
i really think the concussive risk is too high with soccer and since the rule making committees wonʼt take cognisance of the risks of head butting then you have to boycott it!
the thing with archery is you are not aiming for immediate one shot kills of the animal but for them to bleed to death, and this is how all butchery and hunting was traditionally done !
the meat keeps much better without blood in, thatʼs why they butcher that way
jason writes
actually the farmers said they were impressed with my improvement since their talk to me
r e p l y
thatʼs really important because their first little talk to you was code for “ youʼre going to be fired if you donʼt improve ! ”
keep asking them to help you upskill !
the problem with the soccer is you only have a few more years and your joints then start to take you out
the mild concussion from the headbutt in combination with a virus really quadruples the damage to the brain
i did tai chi for a year with a very good teacher and started to get really into it (though i am not a natural talent i have to say ! )
but you canʼt stay in one spot and need to progress and it simply becomes too consuming and taking of oneʼs time for no useful end !
now learning to shoot and hunt effectively and safely has been very useful !
you are too casual, not correct in detail and actually have a dishonesty in your approach
who is asking for disciples ?
not me and to be honest people are mostly very hostile
one needs to be objective about oneself
case number
54 of the blue cliff record
yunmen asked a monk : where did you come here from ?
the monk replied : hsi chʼan
yunmen asked : what words and phrases are there at hsi chʼan these days ?
the monk extended both hands
yunmen slapped him once
the monk interjected : iʼm still talking
yunmen then extended his two hands
the monk was speechless, so yunmen hit him
my comment
yunmen is chastising the monk for his bullshit
when you put in that extra effort in writing a post you are transiting out of
trism into aphorism
when you look at the great masters they are all saying that, aphorism, aphorism, thatʼs how i post, never the same opinion twice running, all developing from the springboard of queries and my reply, thatʼs the fundamental lesson of the zen dialogues !
joshu wasnʼt just sitting/standing there dishing out wrapped presents from his magic bag, but the question itself was the engine for moving him forward !
really who cares how wrong or right one is on this stuff, i really do not have any view on my being right, its simply observing back all i write is right, well most ! : o)
one needs to be objective about oneself
all my actual research is that eihei dogen did go to china, its corroborated by interesting things like the possible shogun funding it and documentation
the cases in the blue cliff record are from the public lamp records and yuanwu is just quoting them, most of these are enlightened dialogues, but his commentaries where he expresses his own views are not !
in his commentaries he does quote a lot of good stuff and the blue cliff record is really a foundation zen text
funnily enough i had a lot of visions yesterday and the day before, visiting very strange fantastical places
thatʼs what eating two wallaby brains does
never taken a drug in my life !
ewk, you pretend to scholarship, but when it comes to the crunch you
are just another opinionated redditor saying “ take me seriously in spite of my bullshit ”
whatʼs really telling is you donʼt have the scholarship mindset which is conclusions drawn logically from the right balance of evidence and inference, backed into a corner you just stay there forever !
j.c clearyʼs translation “ zen letters : teachings of yuanwu ”
unambiguously show that yuanwu is heterodox
yuanwu is hetereodox because in derridean terms he is still
tric and not aphoriac !
its actually quite easy to tell whether
some-one is enlightened or not, why waste your life promoting logocentric fools !
it only makes you one !
ewk writes
you donʼt translate, you donʼt study
you try to share your suffering
my r e p l y
is this a new step in your theology ?
“ real zen masters donʼt suffer ? ”
we already know that they can be secretly enlightened but not talk about it !
i feel ruled out, i have a migraine and talk about being enlightened !
my retranslation of case
27 of the mumonkan
a monk earnestly asked nanquan : is there any truth that has not been preached ?
nanquan replied : yeah
the monk asked : what is that ?
nanquan replied : it is not mind or buddha or any of that compassion bullshit
spiking the earnestness
nanquan spoke more
could say
i suppose brad warnerʼs real problem is promiscuity, wants his cake and eat it but heʼs no charles bukowski
zen is an illusion to bolster oneʼs
self esteem with masturbatory nonsense !
zen is an illusion to bolster oneʼs
self esteem with masturbatory nonsense
the zen transmission system has resulted in really poor quality teachers, zen is just a waste now !
the blind approving the blind !
the zen transmission system has resulted in really poor quality teachers, zen is just a waste now !
mother teresa is being canonized, not the first atheist to be called a saint i guess !
everything to do with publicity !
there is a lot of criticism about the standard of care provided by the missionaries of charity, but when you think about it, for a young woman to devote her life to palliative care of the “ poorest of the poor ” is crazy so of course you are going to get the crazies !
i see it constantly on reddit zen, constantly this cognitive failure of not going into enough detail to sort things out and as a result everything one does is a walking disaster area !
too literal an interpretation of “ spirtual values ” i am afraid !
sylvia plath heading into the next huge
life disaster (for both of them) after electroconvulsive therapy
however we are deformed or crippled, it comes out to get us !
the most depressing thing about reddit zen is not the mania or stupidity or intellectual slackness, but the deceitful personal dishonesty about things that canʼt even matter but must surely reflect a rather sleazy and lifelong way of dealing with the world !
you just want to argue, not get anything right
you just want to argue, not get anything right
brad warnerʼs problem is he never escaped nostalgia !
monsters or dogen
, its all the same !
sign of a decaying brain i am afraid !
keyser sozen r e p l i e s
Could be worse.
He could be hooked on
Who !
r e p l y
heʼs really one of the few genuine zen teachers, just this timidity about knowledge going forward cripples any public perception beyond his cult audience !
dr. who is a bit flawed, its sorta self defeating, i never really watched it, but was interested to see how recent episodes max in on effective special effects and the peter capaldi/jenna coleman combination worked really well !
unfortunately brad is still stuck back with his work at tsuburaya studios which is in my mind shows that he made a big mistake in leaving that line of work, he loves it more than he loves zen
whereas i love what zen is about more than work, more fool me ! : o(
brad warnerʼs problem is he never escaped nostalgia !
monsters or dogen
, its all the same !
sign of a decaying brain i am afraid !
iʼm enlightened but its very overrated !
its actually pretty lonely because
no-one else is !
the world is just a derridian logocentric cesspool i am afraid
its the constant aggressive madness that gets to one in the end !
youʼre actually way too logocentric !
zen is aporia and not logocentrism
the problem you have is the vast majority of zen you see and come across is logocentric, the great masters of course are aporaic
but you are not escaping the logocentric centrifuge . . !
“ jacques derridaʼs work is about reality ”
donʼt you mean
aporia about reality and unreality !
the trouble with academic philosophy teaching is it creates
logocentrism where there may have been none
“ would you say that schitzophrenia is something that requires one to have delusional thought patterns ? ”
delusional compared to what ?
jesus contemporary philosophy is unreadable, deliberately obscure to make inflated nonsense sound valid !
jesus contemporary philosophy is unreadable, deliberately obscure to make inflated nonsense sound valid !
i wr it e
waiting to be caught by
she-death, is that figurative ?
17 r e p l i e s
“ Death is not a man or woman in a black robe ”
my re p l y
well the robe doesnʼt have to be black or even there be a robe
death dishevelled or disrobed or something
death in blue jeans ?
tank top ?
“ Death is not a man or woman in a black robe ”
well the robe doesnʼt have to be black or even there be a robe
death dishevelled or disrobed or something
death in blue jeans ?
tank top ?
youʼre another brain damaged pyschonaut who hasnʼt quite grasped drugs have screwed his cognitive essence ?
youʼre another brain damaged pyschonaut who hasnʼt quite grasped drugs have screwed his cognitive essence
zen requires enlightenment
buji doesnʼt cut the ice
neither does buddhism
or faux enlightenment
. .
zen requires enlightenment
buji doesnʼt cut the ice
neither does buddhism
or faux enlightenment
. .
10 genuine clichés in one paragraph, a new record ?
“ 1. In the smallest atom
, 2. you can find an infinite number of universes
, 3. all themselves containing atoms which also contain infinite numbers of universes and so on . 4. What you are looking right now , this screen from which you are reading , is how all this universes look like
, 5. the whole room is made of an infinite numbers of universes
, 6. you are the infinite numbers of universes . 7. You are infinite
, 8. you are god . 9. This is the play of the universe . 10. You are the universe . ”
by serene mountain also known as tormetic cesspool !
the last record was also held by
some-one on reddit zen, but i forget who !
he was more imaginative and semantically dense than so really ‘ serene mountain ’ is the runner up !
a reddit zen post
Excuse my vanity but this dream I had last night was rather jarring and I donʼt really have any other place to discuss it
So I went to the Kurdish Embassy in London to volunteer to fight for the Kurdish forces in Syria and Iraq. I was shipped out fairly quickly and placed in an infantry unit in Aleppo. This unit had a couple of English speaking Kurds who I was paired up with to pick up the language
During a fierce firefight in an urban area there were two, presumably Isis, Arab fighters who were bleeding out. As one of them was slowly dying the whole street was firebombed. As the street wreathed in flame I witnessed a thousand buddhas, all alight and burning
my reply
wooden buddhas donʼt pass through flame !
another redditor replies to me
The flame passes through them. What is the difference ?
my reply
your dream perhaps, not his !
the redditor replies again
Whose ?
my reply
snarled in some tangle
about inside and outside
imagining the objective is subjective
and the subjective objective
on !
: o(
“ how can you mend a broken heart ? ”
hearts mend, broken brains donʼt !
sad in her heart
the damaged heart
portends the brain
“ how can you mend a broken heart ? ”
hearts mend, broken brains donʼt !
hearts mend, broken brains donʼt !
“ how can you mend a broken heart ? ”
hearts mend, broken brains donʼt
hearts mend, broken brains donʼt
a quote from dogenʼs ‘ exposition on great enlightenment ’ (daigo)
A monastic once asked Great Teacher Pao-chih of the Hua-yen monastery in Ching-chao (a successor to Tung-shan)
“ What is it like when a greatly enlightened person is nevertheless deluded ? ”
The teacher replied:
“ A shattered mirror never reflects again; a fallen flower never returns to the tree ”
my r e p l y
even the delusion is enlightened !
to be fair, reddit zen is the most honest of the religious subs, better maniacal screaming than wanking nonsense/bullshit !
r/meditation, r/hinduism r/buddhism for instance !
“ Serene Mountain ”
claim (ed. reddit nick)
“ cesspit in turmoil ”
reality !
the millenial son of a zen priest leaves school at age
12 and a half and after years of game playing following, begins training to be a cook !
i actually feel that the parents acted
intelligently in guiding their son, not too early and not too late and following his interest and ability !
jeez the japanese have a lot of fried food, they must have good gall bladders and bile production !
i actually wanted to post this on reddit zen but i seem finally to have got the message, if you post on reddit zen, you are just going to have to reply to a bunch of obnoxious hubric arseholes, i donʼt know why it took me so long to see this, i did sort of half see it before, but i guess i really had to go through the grinder again to “ get it ”
even though good writing can be generated, its just not worth it any more !
when i post there, its like there is an antibody reaction to me !
jason replies
you really have been writing very well on reddit zen, and reading it in almost real time makes a difference
definitely agree on the sad situation of having to reply to complete idiots, its my main deterrent from posting on reddit zen !
jon w r i t e s
I went out and asked some friends if they wanted to go for a walk but they didnʼt want to
I got up and left as soon as they brought up the the subject of old drunken times
Had a nice little walk to myself but I shouldʼve left my phone
itʼs too distracting
Idk, maybe people enjoyed the photos and videos I took
I think I had a better time alone than with them
r e p l y
“ I think I had a better time alone than with them ”
they are just drunk dumbarses, youʼre a cut above them, they will always just try to drag you into their messes
youʼve outgrown them basically !
a craftsman is judged by the quality of his work !
only fools take judgments of talent as sufficient !
the wise man laments the talent wasted but accepts such a waste as beyond his provenance !
actually i think “ life failure ” is an important part of developing a true “ zen ” understanding
necessary but not sufficient apparently !
. .
actually i think “ life failure ” is an important part of developing a true “ zen ” understanding
necessary but not sufficient apparently !
. .
actually i think “ life failure ” is an important part of developing a true “ zen ” understanding
necessary but not sufficient apparently !
“ Silence your mind ”
mind your silence !
“ Your claims about Zen arenʼt grounded in reality ”
“ reality ” isnʼt grounded in zen
if you donʼt like good music or canʼt respect a virtuoso, then you are not “ zen ”
if you donʼt like good music or respect a virtuoso, then you are not “ zen ”
people who arenʼt afraid to waste their own time arenʼt afraid to waste yours !
people who arenʼt afraid to waste their own time arenʼt afraid to waste yours
zen is just like anything else, as you gain facility, so will you be able to better express yourself !
there is no magical state of “ being aware ” or “ presence ” whereby you can convey your glory and “ advanced ” state to others
if you canʼt discuss with discernment and knowledge then you are just another of the fucked up waste that the zen system produces and whose fault is that ?
the 7th patriarch blog is private, that is as the owner i object to time wasters like yourself (ed. keysersozen)
, but here on reddit zen thatʼs not a condition so your usual happy hunting !
. .
the 7th patriarch blog is private, that is as the owner i object to time wasters like yourself, but here on reddit zen that's not a condition so your usual happy hunting !
another “ zen is treacle ” practitioner !
“ treacle ” is you asking me to explain what you canʼt be bothered to work out and donʼt want to see !
another “ zen is treacle ” practitioner !
capacity calls its own demise
capacity calls its own demise !
capacity calls its own demise ? ! ?
if you look at napoleon heʼs really quite literary
if you look at his
quotes they are better than just about anybody else
thatʼs why so much slack was cut to him after his defeats !
capacity inducts its own defeat !
capacity inducts its own defeat
compassion is some smokescreen for the most atrocious nonsense !
compassion is some smokescreen for the most atrocious nonsense
“ compassion ” is some smokescreen for the most atrocious nonsense !
“ compassion ” is some smokescreen for the most atrocious nonsense
capacity creates its own defeat
capacity creates its own defeat
capacity creates its own defeat
“ why did huang po admonish those who made a distinction between enlightened and unenlightened ? ”
because he wasnʼt enlightened !
i mean really he wasnʼt, why do you think he is a favourite of “ dewk ”
“ i dunno man, he seemed to have his shit together. Have you read much of him ? ”
look you are some dull clone who so far being enlightened has a reverse sense of what it is about and pontificate error !
truely enlightened zen masters are far and few between
, dahui is another who was not enlightened
joshu on the other hand was !
“ how did you advance so far, o master, to be superior to those in olden times were called masters themselves ? ”
who calls them a s master, unenlightened idiots like yourself ?
your sort of zen is more con than truth, always hard to get used to the endless dishonest fools
tostono posts with the title ‘ joshu, a total sissy ? ’
a monk asked : what is the substance of the true person ?
joshu replied : spring
, summer
, autumn
, winter
the monk replied : in that case, it is hard for me to understand
joshu replied : you asked about the substance of the true person, didnʼt you ?
tosotno comments : why didnʼt joshu spit on the monk ?
my reply
because unlike you joshu was enlightened
what did joshu do wrong that his dialogues were traversed across the millenia to be faecally commented on by the the likes of you and ewk, bankrupts without any resources of your own pretending to mastery . .
tostono replies
Do you see the sarcasm in the post ?
my reply
did you see the
recursion in my post ?
edit : you did select a good dialogue there, “ accidentally ” semantically dense in the translation !
tostono replies : sure
my reply
more faeces from an idiot monster !
calling what is a closed book to you “ open ” doesnʼt get you even to the first page !
sometimes you just weep with the difficulty and stupidity of things
. .
sometimes you just weep with the difficulty and stupidity of things
sometimes you just weep with the difficulty and stupidity of things
“ I donʼt think you can imagine how much pity I have for you right now ”
i donʼt know how people like you can put up with themselves being so fake . . doesnʼt it make you ill ?
i donʼt know how people like you can put up with themselves being so fake . . doesnʼt it make you ill ?
damaged women have relationships with /marry damaged men !
damaged women have relationships with /marry damaged men
at some point you have to cease arguing, sit back and say this is my work, make what you will of it !
at some point you have to cease arguing, sit back and say this is my work, this is my work, make what you will of it
at some point you have to sit back and cease arguing, this is my work, make what you will of it !
at some point you have to sit back and cease arguing, this is my work, make what you will of it
you quote bullshit and your comments are bullshit
no they are not bullshit
they are bullshit²
actually you are sane, just slack and misguided !
whereas quite a few of the others on reddit zen are actually insane
disguised as stupid ! :o)
copy and pasting videos is a good substitute for the thought process ?
pasting videos is a good substitute for the thought process ?
reddit zen
insane looneys
arguing over bullshit
reddit zen
insane looneys
arguing over
reddit zen
insane looneys
insane looneys
capacity calls in its own defeat
capacity calls in its own defeat !
capacity calls in its own defeat
thereʼs only one way to deal with very entitled people — walk away and let them discover the limitations of it
it is disappointing the discovery is so limited !
thereʼs only one way to deal with very entitled people — walk away and let them discover the limitations of it
it is disappointing the discovery is so limited
the universe is unbounded, if you are just going to look in one corner you
are not going to get far !
the universe is wide, if you are just going to look in one corner you
are not going to get far !
japanese zen is all about social control
they want to control your thoughts, they really do
japanese zen is all about “ social control ”
they want to control your thoughts, they really do
japanese zen is all about “ social control ”
who is madder, the madman or the madman who tries to reason with him ?
who is madder, the madman or the madman who tries to reason with him
who is madder, the madman or the man who tries to reason with him ?
who is madder, the madman or the man who tries to reason with him
“ what do you mean by
stamping ”
imposing by force a certain pattern on a material, reddit zenners and zen in this case !
“ what do you mean by ‘ heʼs
unpacking a fractal ’ ? ”
ed. of a competent and very autistic programmer giving a somewhat frustratingly roundabout explanation of a solution to a coding problem
the explanation comes from the elaboration of simple terms as per the expansion of a fractal !
when you are doing something, its important to build skills and knowledge at the same time as you do it, not simply just get the job done !
“ although pathogens are destroyed by pasteurization, not all bacteria and their associated enzymes
are eliminated ”
huh, store bought milk is not completely “ pasturized ”
jason w r i t e s
when you take heavy views, you can expect heavy criticism !
when you give voice to “ heavy views ”
, you can expect heavy criticism
you can think it but not say it !
i think i learnt to shut up years ago when everything i said seemed to cause a ruckus !
there is no answer
there is no question
there is no answer
there is no question
there is no answer ̱ . . there is no question ̱ ̱ . there is no answer ̲ ̲ there is no question ̱ ̲ ̱
the brain
downsizes in socially unstable circumstances !
i have always wondered why “ spiritual teachers ” get so “ cretinized ” by what they do, it must be physiological at base and here is a mechanism !
they meet too many people and there are too many social dynamics at work !
elaine comparone playing scarlatti sonatas on the harpsicord
k. 517
k. 545
“ Any genuine enlightenment experiences/stories you would like to share ? ”
how about
non-genuine ?
i was studying such and such a koan and the moon pointed its finger at me
dirty fingernails i cried !
the m o o n s l a p p e d m e !
causes 6% of cancers of the oropharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colon, rectum and breast
mackowski, like ewk you are attempting to crowbar reddit zen into some image of how you think it should be, but the reality is blocks of granite trying to stamp their images on it
so youʼre just “ stamping ” like the rest !
screens full of tedious bullshit are posted without negative comment (ed. reddtit zen) and people get upset over my four lines of spacing
ye hypocrites !
buddha nature innate potential = toilet paper
BEING achieved as a zen studier = toilet paper
keep wiping your arse !
red = phenols and sweet versus dry are the dimensions of wine
research goes a long way, puts one well above the sugar water sucking common herd !
i have been amazed how a very little alcohol like half a glass of wine a day affects one, seems to knock the mental and physical stuffing out !
men who ask/tell women to smile mean
how can you not smile when i am around !
“ You spit a lot when you speak ”
every drop gold unlike your every word brown faeces !
“ You spit a lot when you speak ”
every drop gold unlike your every word brown faeces !
the usual coleman barks rumi bullshit being promoted by retards who donʼt understand that coleman barks never translated rumi, just used a. j. arberry's translation to spill the most putrid sentimental crap the world has ever seen
you read the wrong stuff, alan watts is wrong !
its fundamental that there is no such thing as “ zenness ” even for joshu and if you read his records with a discerning eye, he is constantly saying that !
jason writes
the man at the farmerʼs market thinks iʼm a strange strange boy for asking him to bring me
3 quarts (ed.
2.8 litres) of heavy cream !
is this messiness, motherʼs losing their sons in war, the endess strife and death, malfeasance, idiocy, incompetence, competence, artistic brilliance the only way we understand infinity ?
But is it
faux ?
Is it faux when a newcomer comes to the gym and tries lifting weights ? He stumbled and its clear that heʼs not a weightlifter, but heʼs practicing and trying
r e p l y
you have got a deep seated issue with proxying into bad analogies
the poem i wrote remedies the analogy
this is where things get difficult and i say zen really has to be celibate, to escape the proxies takes a lot of introspection and life experience
as the poem says
1 million square miles, how do you cover that ?
you can and you canʼt, but the dia kensho shoves you through !
its a serious business, not playdough !
you canʼt get around the hubricity and are not addressing your basic incompetence, that is not merely do you not understand what zen is about but you are travelling at high speed in the wrong direction, like most of reddit zen . .
the bbc at its best, a video of a polar bear
sneaking up on and catching a seal !
jon writes
a sober mind is an intense mind
“ I feel like Iʼm on the flagpole. How do I get off ? ”
faux sincerity with faulty substructure
is your cat in the bag
let it out and all hell breaks loose
the flag pole top is a million miles wide
you are in no danger of falling off !
defensive, hubric, non-factual, what can i say ?
defensive, hubric,
non-factual, what can i say ?
defensive, hubric,
non-factual, what can i say
a reddit
TwoXChromosomes post, she lives in war zone, blount county alabama !
actually i am beginning to understand the
philippines situation a bit more, the total erosion of central power by runaway drug use !
“ Yesterday after work, I stopped to buy laundry detergent and a couple grocery items. I walked to the register doing math in my head for the items in my buggy. I barely registered my surroundings as I was deep in thought and a little tired.
I half-heard someone say, "Smile." but it didn't compute he was speaking to me.
Then I heard, "I know that bitch didn't just ignore me." Hearing someone curse in the Wal-Mart line gets my attention 100% of the time. I love shit shows. I looked up. This man is looking me dead in the face.
"Smile," he said.
Normally, if someone says this politely (men and women commonly do this here to both sexes), I oblige and tell them I'm in deep thought. It's quick and it gets them to leave me alone. Everyone gets what they want. It only puts me out a couple cheek muscle movements that I do all day anyhow for work.
But if they're rude, I have a default response. "You smile," I replied.
"You're the one walking up with that look on your face. Smile."
"You first," I said. He started shaking his head and telling the cashier how rude I am. He goes outside and I do my polite exchange with the cashier. I apologize, smile at him, and say I don't like when people act that way toward me. Cashier says the guy was a dick.
I'm on my way out to the car with my two bags and I see the guy from the line walking toward me. He's walking with attitude. I'm like, ok, wtf there buddy?? He's seriously crossing the parking lot in a straight line for me with this look on his face like we're gonna have a come-to-Jesus or something.
Well, I carry. I was attacked a few years ago and made the decision to help with my anxiety and just in case. I know how to use it, but I've never drawn on anyone or needed it.
This guy isn't running, but he's taking big, deliberate steps and he looks pretty fucking pissed and bowed up, chest puffing. I made the quick decision to take out my ruger
LCR .38 special. I didn't draw on him! I just pulled out my piece (edit) from my purse and stuck it in my back pocket. I've never done this before yesterday.
He spun on his heel and walked back to his car. I don't know what I avoided, but I'm glad I did.
Yeah, if I hadn't noticed him approaching (luckily, I guess, he was literally waiting for me to come outside) it could've been a different story altogether. When I was attacked in 2012, I never expected it and that was a terrifying situation. I would've never flashed it or moved it into immediate reach if his body language was less aggressive. He didn't look like he wanted me to smile then.
I appreciate your responses here. Someone can reach you very fast at 10-15 feet away. At what distance does it become oddly aggressive to a real threat of harm? I've had plenty people approach me while alone in public, and some in a sketchy way (walking up behind me while I pump gas after dark in an otherwise empty station - why I now only get gas during the day or in a crowded lot) but I've never considered myself in danger due to their body language/pace/attitude.
but around here (ed. blount county alabama) we get roving meth-heads that will try to pick your lock or get in a window if they think you're sleeping/showering/not home.
I know I should've said something first, but it didn't come out at the time. It all felt very out of place and even though I watched him the whole time, I was surprised he was coming at me. Seeing as this is the first time someone's been aggressive like this, hopefully I won't get another opportunity to practice telling someone to stop or ask what the hell they're doing.
2 weekends ago a car full of drunk guys asked me "how much" to get in the car with them and I told them to fuck right the fuck off. There was a brief exchange, not aggressive or threatening, and they left. I was in normal mom-looking jeans and a long sleeved button down! But I felt no need to announce my weapon, draw, or anything like that. They were clearly just stupid drunk.
Life experiences.. I was attacked in 2012. A woman burglarized my car, mugged me, hit me with her car, and assaulted me. Aside from that, I've witnessed several assaults in public, during the day, and in crowded spaces.
I didn't go into great detail about what he said inside the store. I was trying to ignore him after my smart ass attempt didn't diffuse like it normally does. He was ranting to the cashier about respect and how women like me don't have any because no one taught them. He was standing by his car waiting for me to come out of the store. The body language, I can't really describe better than I did. I wouldn't say he was charging me because he wasn't running or jogging. It was aggressive. I didn't think he wanted to talk with me or yell at me, he wasn't speaking as he came towards me.
Clenched fists. Long, hard strides. Breathing hard.
My reasoning was if he saw I was carrying he would not continue. I'd prefer to open carry but it makes some people uncomfortable. I do allow my weapon to print if I'm going to be in a particularly shady area. I'd much rather someone see it and change their mind than them not see it and be forced to defend myself. I didn't think I was threatening him as I said nothing and never pointed it at him. I was more than a little uncomfortable. I've had other sketchy situations but nothing like this.
Yes. Cashiers, people on the street, complete strangers see you without a pleasant look on your face and tell you some variation of cheer up/smile/why do you look mad or upset. It is very strange to me and I've seen it my whole life. Some are more demanding or less polite than others.
He waited outside for me to exit and approached me in a threatening manner. People are mugged and assaulted in this area more than average; it's one of the top 10 most dangerous cities in the US.
it may be that super string theory is just an elaborate way of explaining something that can be explained more simply !
bosnian ? shouldnʼt you be murdering some fourth cousin of a descendant of a man who insulted your great grandfather
ok, so you have run out of fourth cousins ! : o(
bosnian ? shouldnʼt you be murdering some fourth cousin of a descendant of a man who insulted your great grandfather
its a funny thing, even adam tebbe got the message about the dull cretins posing as zen masters for his documentary film “ zen in america ”
he has walked away from the project and feels he is doing much better with a job stacking groceries !
good for you adam !
. .
its a funny thing, even adam tebbe got the message about the dull cretins posing as zen masters for his documentary film “ zen in america ”
he has walked away from the project and feels he is doing much better with a job stacking groceries !
good for you adam !
. .
quality krill oil is even better than fish oil in some respects, contains phospolipids, pharmacy brands seem ok, go for the latest expiry dates, it really does something for the brain !
yeah i think intelligent supplementation can make a huge difference in oneʼs later years, but you have to be cautious and see what works for you !
the secret with zen is only one in a million ever understands so if you are looking for answers amongst the “ hoi polloi ” you are going to waste your lifetime !
unfortunately most zen masters are “ hoi polloi ”
a reddit zen post
A common thing that happens with people who do Psychedelics Is that they develop Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, there is a forum for it full of people
Itʼs extremely common to develop the symptoms which are : halos or auras surrounding objects, trails following objects in motion, difficulty distinguishing between colors, apparent shifts in the hue of a given item, the illusion of movement in a static setting, air assuming a grainy or textured quality ( visual snow or static, by popular description, not to be confused with normal
blue field entoptic
phenomenon )
, distortions in the dimensions of a perceived object, and a heightened awareness of floaters, brain fog, and many more
I myself have had problems with these and luckily my brain has been repairing itself over the years
But some people never recover . . . and some of them have flashbacks from their trip for their entire life
A flashback is like a full trip only that it lasts little and it happens when sober
It is a dark world the world of drugs and you donʼt really see this if you are in it
look drugs just produce bullshit artists like
formality and hypocrisy replied : we were born in the land of
vain-glory and are going to mount zion where we expect we will receive both praise and honor
why didn’t you enter by the gate that stands at the beginning of the way ?
don’t you know that it is written that : he who does not come in by the door but climbs up some other way is a thief and a robber ?
quote , i think the numbers get exaggerated, read
50 years,
8, and
30 or
koan study is too narrow, the result is crazy stupid people !
. .
koan study is too narrow, the result is crazy stupid people !
koan study is too narrow, the result is crazy stupid people
you are trying to pass on your own disease ?
ed. of koan study
you are trying to pass on your own disease ?
you are trying to pass on your own disease
you are trying to pass on your own disease ?
you are trying to pass on your own disease
“ all things function according to their nature ”
yeah retardation for retards !
when the understanding comes from what is f a k e
going to
f a k e !
if you are going to spend your life and time calling the authentic “ faux ” then you have a problem !
you donʼt want help, you only want what you think you already know repeated to you !
true enlightenment gives you your own words, faux enlightenment you just repeat the words of others !
true enlightenment gives you your own words, faux enlightenment you just repeat the words of others
jon, you just make small changes and try things, itʼs a lifetimeʼs work of slow progression !
you need to talk about what problems you are trying to solve !
yeah your drinking friends drag you back into their emptiness !
the writing is really working for you, hugely different compared to when you started !
hyakujo never lived
the fox never died
the rambling
on reddit zen
pontificate like they
something !
hyakujo never lived
the fox never died
the rambling
on reddit zen
pontificate like they
something !
the effect of alcohol on the brain and health is like dragging a stone over the edge of a knife, so blunting it !
violence is in the very fabric of being
violence is in the very fabric of being
zen has the same problem as philosophy, only the highly dense semantic recursion of poetry can express what they are about properly
the endless morons just wank on in the highly semantic pragmatic discursive space of prose thinking they are doing/mean something !
jason w r i t e s
in my own world
i do not understand
the illusion
of community
the experience of a reddit zenner, an interesting read, maybe he fell in love with her ?
She couldnʼt dial a phone number on a cordless phone.
The buttons were lit with a blue light.
She said something about it.
Tried to get an old man to do it for her. He was too wiley. Calling his girlfriend nobody instead.
I just watched and smiled.
Or did she
LET him try after he offered to help ?
I canʼt remember.
He did seem sincere but made a mistake dialing.
I corrected him.
He grunted.
I got the impression he was making inaccurate assumptions.
We three played a card game at the old manʼs suggestion.
They both had hands.
I only picked one card and kept it secret.
When the game was basically over I gave it to the girl.
The King of Hearts
She was sad, remembering the Queen of Hearts.
I reassured her
That card
Was the King.
Then the old man Saw it.
I hope heʼs taken care of her. He scared her before he saw my card.
I saluted him before I left.
He double saluted back with a smile.
I said “ too much ” with a laugh.
Home is where I am.
Her face was despair when I left.
I hope I didnʼt say the wrong thing.
She was like death and happiness.
I donʼt know if I should call. I havenʼt called.
I donʼt know where she is.
I left her my information. Address and name and number.
She seemed almost confused by words at first.
What am I doing ?
The psych ward I stayed in when I told my shrink I planned on killing myself.
Im a capricorn
Sheʼs a gemini
She showed up a few days later than me
Caught by the police, trying to escape for some reason she may have forgotten
She seemed to have died over and over and over
Forgetting every lie and deception along the way
She tried to climb up and into a building
Then tried the door
Then caught
In Pittsburgh
My home town
Apparently she travelled a lot
I miss her I think.
Or was she so subtle I just canʼt remember ?
Staring back into her eyes was like a happy death.
Why did I leave ?
I donʼt know if I want to do any thing.
I told someone recently
I think I tend towards psychotic depression
She tends toward psychotic mania
Coffee for me
Tea for her
Me me me
c o m m e n t
that thread is an excellent bit of writing !
you will survive better celibate, with her it would be doom !
young women that age can use their bodies to get what they need to survive, interestingly lana del ray lived like that in her younger years !
gives her music more depth than a shallow middle class life experience would indicate !
her downfall is her trashy diet !
i think you looked at yourself objectively in the end and walked away deliberately from a disastrous, potentially suicidal relationship with her !
that is you showed a lot of life sense when it came to the crunch !
what took me a while to get was you asked the old man to look after her and apparently he accepted that charge !
it was in a different way, love !
you are both too damaged
as i say, celibacy
the maw of life eats her !
: o(
writing is intrinsically elliptical, for you to convey in a fashion that strikes you need to use ellipsis to e f f e c t
you read junk so you just spew junk, its beyond retarded !
you read junk so you just spew junk, its beyond retarded
zakaj, you really should look into your history, for your mothers generation it could be lethal to say what you think !
i notice you younger east europeans seem to have complete cultural amnesia about life under the various soviet style dictators and governments!
form does not substance make
form does not substance make
form does not substance make
outside sense and nonsense
outside sense and nonsense
wardles ! : o(
pretending has got you so far, why hasnʼt it got you any further ?
pretending has got you so far, why hasnʼt it got you any further
in his old age and probable madness
stalin wrote letters
to friends he had had executed many years before
sometimes i feel like that !
in his old age and probable madness
stalin wrote letters
to friends he had had executed many years before
sometimes i feel like that
in his old age and probable madness
stalin had written letters
to friends he had had executed many years before
sometimes i feel like that !
in his old age and probable madness
stalin had written letters
to friends he had had executed many years before
sometimes i feel like that
over their heads ?
people are not plastic
they canʼt be argued out of
incompetence into competence
or nonsense into sense
people are not plastic
they canʼt be argued out of
incompetence into competence
or nonsense into sense
in town
feeling down
is that you or your wife speaking ?
iʼm not henpecked !
. .
is that you or your wife speaking ?
iʼm not henpecked !
. .
is that you or your wife speaking ?
iʼm not henpecked !
: o )
is that you or your wife speaking ?
iʼm not henpecked !
is that you or your wife speaking ?
iʼm not henpecked
E and
W and
E and
W and . . .
At least it doesnʼt feel, to me, like a circle ”
is writing pretentious wanking nonsense going in a circle ?
quite a while between last eating and bedtime i find helpful !
like everyone else you donʼt want the enlightenment experience, you just want/like the idea
easy to spend the billion life times that people usually do that way !
like everyone else you donʼt want the enlightenment experience, you just want/like the idea
sugar feeds bad biofilm
the whole problem with health is everyone is crazy
so you get a ray peat forum and its full of crazies swearing blind how well what they do works
the big thing i took from ray peat is the importance of getting oneʼs iron levels down
you havenʼt done the basics of the
BCD/SCD at all, like no grains
you are just looking for quick fixes
, the “ chemicals ” promoted on the ray peat forum are screw ups !
health solutions require a lot of finesse, an alien concept on reddit zen you notice, well its a universal problem !
sugar feeds bad biofilm
jon w r i t e s
I had raw sprouts one time
my friend offered me some
boy oh boy did that fuck up my stomach the next day
i had to stay home for the morning
i was still feeling it well into the evening
this was a few months back
of zen masters there must be a hundred at least in the usa alone, iʼve met heaps, mileage varies, toni packer and george bowman stood out
quite a few of the people i met travelling around zen years years ago are now zen masters !
basically a zen master is a student who gets approved by his teacher
an interesting
insight on the utility of exercise for depression, also adamʼs experience with the physical stillness of zazen meditation increasing depression and injuring joints
havenʼt you noticed how autistic zen is ?
, why are you responding so strongly to the
OP ?
the meaninglessness of years of wrongminded blather here or the validity of artwork that speaks to people ?
sterile/aridity versus beauty
why you don't like japanese zen is not just records of enlightenment experiences, but the artistic nature of the monks and masters, writers artists sculptors, potters
a young girl on autistic spectrum produces works of art
while reddit zenners bash each other in sterile aridity !
i find the paintings quite
relaxing , just harmonious moods, no people angst !
the reddit zen theme song
lyrics; music to be suggested
i am right
and you are wrong
you are wrong
and i am right
this is the basis
for the ongoing
huang po was not enlightened, joshu was
you are going for the misguided and its messing you up !
piss poor
chanting actually !
we used to do a lot better and in
english !
its sorta fun and boring at the same time but in the end after a few years i wondered how people could chant that garbage and left !
i think the boxes in the first video are sutras, easier than reading them they used to just flip through them like playing cards
this ceremony is like the “ standard version ” arrived at in the meiji era when zen buddhism was amalgamated
its actually quite fascist, the sort of shit the massacre of nanking was born out of !
nowadays its just training for future funeral parlour directors
“ I have indulged in lsd (edit. high doses 250 micrograms, three time normal ? inferred from his history ) quite a few times along with shrooms and dmt. They are the reason I got interested in buddhism in the first place
. But I have quit them
I donʼt think psychedelics can promote zen insight
. But they can show you a bit of what could it be like . . . but itʼs very dirty . . . its not clean like zen is . ”
i think your brain got fucked a bit or more than fucked i am sorry to say, you have just got one really screwed up mess of buddhism, zen and drug induced schizophrenia !
its not that you havenʼt had some insight, its just brewed into some witches hell of confusion !
you got crap arse buddhism and zen plated into you and thereʼs nothing you can do about it !
what zen is about is a lifelong slow process of teasing out what is really going on with reality, you have instead of doing that just picked up the most easy crappy elements of buddhism and zen and used those to fill that space
its just like as toxic stiff hard sugar brew
its all so weird i am sure your high doses of lsd have fucked the
semantic structures in your brain
you are eastern european and i am pretty sure i know what country you live in, you are only a couple of generations (since the 1989 revolution) out of the most fucked up state of “ double think ” in existance and i think that must have had a negative bearing as well, the normalization of total bullshit which is a large subject addressed by some literary figures in eastern europe !
i actually find you quite upsetting because its hard to explain the strong elements of authenticity so riven in with the most purile crap !
well i think koans are wrong, its too much focus on one thing, you need to read widely and look outside zen and buddhism, i have a reading
poetry is the natural medium for this inquiry
i think it would be helpful to look at some eastern european dissident literature, understand what occurred, even today apparently where you live can still be a bit crazy in that respect !
brown rice can have high arsenic levels and thai rice has high pesticide levels, basmati rice is not that digestible !
well you are like me, very autistic and actually zen is quite autistic !
you just gotta trust yourself and what you find right and not what the books say !
vegetables should be well cooked !
you are looking too hard, just be more relaxed and all this stuff about ‘ mind ’ is just plain nonsense
just give it time and sort out for yourself what is right and not
its the work of forty years and more . . .
aleksandar pirivatric, barebones/extreme
hermit , looks glad to get back into civilization, the life is too hard, especially as he is now
the paradigms of zen or anything that might be called “ spiritual ”
are quality reading versus rubbish
and broad expansive “ boundaryless ” consideration/contemplative reading versus narrow sectarianism !
you own experience which needs to be developed
, guides . . .
why would you think you can judge correctly of the validity of your zen reading without any of your own practical experience to compare it to ?
when i read ‘ whatever ’ zen i compare it to my practical experience and my reading of the quality writing of others eg emily dickinson, yoshida kenkō and wang wei
if you are comfortable with rubbish and donʼt pursue quality, what is that saying about you ?
“ i just wish someone here could tell me what zen masters teach ”
the problem is you have to shift to a more “ enlightened ” and objective perspective to hear what is said
tom baker is
he was part of a group of
hangers-on around francis bacon at one stage !
“ after five years, i dared to question certain aspects of the monastery and
was expelled ”
playing the movie called zen in your head ?
playing the movie called zen in your head
“ have you read all the books on your
list in full ? ”
i donʼt even think there is such a thing as full reading, for instance i am
re-reading “ essays in idleness ”
, the tsurezuregusa of yoshida kenkō translated by donald keene and this time around its like a different book, much more opened up, gentler !
sepehr quotes me and replies
“ but i almost certainly never read the entire book, only portions and i find that is enough ”
No. You have to sit down and read the book deeply. You can't do this for every book, correct, but it is important to approach the important texts with rigor, otherwise you technically havenʼt read them
r e p l y
sepehr, i feel like i am having to do “ explain like i am five ” all the time
do i have to tell you the disconnect between your replies and the disconnect between your first reply and my
post ?
its really depressing that you so thoughtlessly burden my time this way, just ‘ entitled ’ freeloading !
really really depressing !
what zen is and isnʼt
it isnʼt a system
it is a subset that includes literature, art, other mystical traditions, philosophy (only the best)
the blind fools on reddit zen pour over mostly voynicated records like they mean something and ignore the whole wide world spread out before them
“ although mass extinctions is the undeniable cause for the demise of a sizeable number of major taxa, we show here that
clades escaping them go extinct because of the widespread tendency of evolution to produce increasingly specialised, sympatric, and geographically restricted species over time ”
foyan : thoughts arise, thoughts disappear
my “ restatement ”
thoughts never stop arising
thoughts never stop disappearing
everything i write is a zen text !
everything i write is a zen text !
everything i write is a zen text
“ the great way ” is multiplely used toilet paper
a million redditors rotting
their writing washing up on
beach !
master joshu entered the hall and said
, simply consider again what has gone by and work with what comes
if you do not reconstruct
, you are mired
master joshu entered the hall and said
brothers, simply consider again what has gone by and work with what comes
if you do not reconstruct, you are mired
the best
evidence shakespeare never wrote those plays
“ shakespeare told the court in his deposition, in his words, that mountjoy “ did solicit and entreat ” him to “ move and persuade ” belott “ to effect the said marriage ”
, and that he “ accordingly ” complied with her wishes ”
those are not the words or life of a man who wrote ‘ twelfth night ’ and ‘ the tempest ’
research by david fallow fits quite well with idea of william shakeapeare being a successful businessman having links to the london underworld and reinforces the case for him not being the author of the plays, the temperaments required are just too different !
second rate sophism isnʼt zen
, or perhaps it is ?
second rate sophism isnʼt zen, or perhaps it is ?
a koan is just something you puzzle on, i think generally the perspective shifts rather than there being any answer !
i like reading joshu, because you figure out what he is saying that is something you have thought or observed and seeing joshu say the same thing reinforces it !
this is important because every dog and his idiot says the opposite
you are on the right track, reading around !
you are on the right track, reading around !
you are on the right track, reading around
religious dogma is a substitute for real thinking and inquiry
why not admit it !
dogma is a substitute for real thinking and inquiry
why not admit it !
dogma is a substitute for real thinking and inquiry
why not admit it
“ you usually link to google books, but they usually only give a preview of certain pages, how are you reading books online ? ”
you can generally access more of the book through different search terms or find other stuff on the book online eg reviews
but i almost certainly never read the entire book, only portions and i find that is enough
sometimes you can get pdfʼs of the complete book or a download from some sort of file sharing site
tell you what, makes you realise that trying to make money by writing a book is hopeless . .
an interesting
interview of jenna coleman
queen victoria was quite a good
artist !
solipsism seems come hard on r/zen !
the morons endlessly puking their communal religious bullshit !
solipsism seems come hard on r/zen !
the morons endlessly puking their communal religious bullshit
look ryokan talks fugue states
, he doesnʼt talk about “ buddha nature ” or that sort of bullshit !
look ryokan talks fugue states he doesnʼt talk about “ buddha nature ” or that sort of bullshit !
you people (reddit zen and the religious) donʼt like quality art because its subtlety and elegance make you look bad
, the second rate and consumerism you laud of course !
you people (reddit zen and the religious) donʼt like quality art because its subtlety and elegance make you look bad
, the second rate and consumerism you laud of course
i'm sure i've got better things to do than try to convince you of what you don't want to see !
iʼm sure iʼve got better things to do than try to convince you of what you donʼt want to see
iʼm sure iʼve got better things to do than try to convince you of what you donʼt want to see
you donʼt understand what i say, yet you think the fault lies with me rather than you !
say ?
you donʼt understand what i say, yet you think the fault lies with me rather than you !
say ?
you donʼt understand what i say, yet you think the fault lies with me rather than you !
what can i say ?
art is a permutation of semanticsm !
art is a permutation of semanticsm !
art is a permutation of semanticsm
any outstanding work of art is a fugue state with infinity
any outstanding work of art is a fugue state with infinity
attributed to ikkyu sojun
shakuhachi flute played by ono ranzan
quite tuneful once you get past the beginning !
“ how do people with major attention issues still obtain a piece of mind ?
i have aspergerʼs syndrome which means that i can have a major problem trying to concentrate
one of the important principles of zen is to be able to concentrate well as far as i know
for any of you guys with similar attention issues how are you able to achieve
long-term concentration ?
i really need that help ”
write and write more
it makes the workspace in the brain more global
being slow to understand is not necessarily a bad thing
, it means a more “ global ” integration in the brain
, ie the eventual understanding is deeper !
being slow to understand is not necessarily a bad thing
, it means a more “ global ” integration
, ie the eventual understanding is deeper !
when i was staying at the cambridge zen center i was told about a korean chogye monk who had been ‘ inappropriately ’ touching women
it had been discussed with him and suggested that if he wanted a relationship with a woman, he should leave the order
that sad part was he agreed but that it was too late in life for him to do that, i donʼt know how old he was, but i donʼt think it was that old by western standards !
i heard of a franciscan monk when in i was in new zealand who had got a women pregnant and was forced by his brother monks to leave the order and take care of her, he didnʼt want to go apparently !
korean seon and japanese zen monasteries are notorious for the sexual escapades of young monks
in western europe, some convents in the medieval and later period were in effect high class brothels for the nobility and the wells notorious for having white bottoms, ie the bones of infants drowned in them . .
greek orthodox monasteries are notorious for homosexuality
i actually doubt the whole celibacy thing historically, when i was at the kopua cistercian monastery in hawkes bay, new zealand, there were always a lot of women around, cooking, laundry and cleaning volunteers etc and i would strongly suspect some of them to have been in relationships with some of the monks and its probably always been like this
what to me was warning sign about the monastic life were the graves at kopua for the monks, defeatist concrete slabs, a life lived and that was all to show for it, regimented death ?
i did read of an account of the killing of a monk that shows the power abbots had back in the medieval monasteries in england, a young monk had fallen in love and was planning to escape the monastery, but the abbot caught wind of the affair and had the monk killed by burying him up to his neck !
actually the murder of thomas à becket was in part about the church being outside the judicial system !
as i write this out, i realise that these observations and interest are uncommon and a monastic life must have always been at the back of my mind !
celibacy is something arrived at as a personal decision, either concious or unconcious but institutional celibacy clearly doesnʼt work, though what could be the context in which it could be said to work ?
i do think the sort of understanding that the real zen is about requires celibacy, this pathetic flake of a vehicle called zen in the west, the aborted son of japanese nationalism produces nothing but babbling idiocy . .
everyone says ikkyu is a contrary example, but as far as my research has indicated, he was celibate up until about
30 and actually has shortfalls in his understanding compared to joshu
there are no quality zen masters who have not been celibate, it hardly takes any brains to understand why . .
people also miss one of the central features of the layman pang stories, a father whose two children and wife committed suicide !
the transit lounge of reddit zen
everyone on different flights
different destinations
so comfortable
until they communicate . .
the transit lounge of reddit zen
everyone on different flights
different destinations
so comfortable
until they communicate . .
“ so they (ed. thoughts) arenʼt just floating around nebulously in my head ”
but “ floating around nebulously in my head ” is the creative space !
“ Always remember you are special
Just like everything else ”
the solipsist view of zen does imply you are very special, ie the center of the universe, so the
OP is correct and the negative reaction in the
comments are the usual ramblings of the blind !
“ realization ” is an illusion
f a k e s s p e w
t hi s
n o nse n se
l l
“ realization ” is an illusion
f a k e s s p e w
t hi s
n o nse n se
l l
writing is meditation, each post you write should uncompress you a bit and take you forward so it doesnʼt matter whether you leave reddit zen or not !
these fake “ laughing photos ” of “ enlightened masters ” are such a cliché these days !
its not zen to not understand you are the equal of ryokan !
its not zen to not understand you are the equal of ryokan !
its not zen to not understand you are the
equal of ryokan
jason writes of his motherʼs death
my mother had been in the hospice for about a week
and all of the familyʼs friends came by one night to say goodbye
they all seemed to know it was her last night, or soon to be gone anyway
i was lost and had no idea
well i said good night to her unknowingly, a kiss on the cheek, and she held me as i was backing away and gave me a light slap on the face
she laughed a little and so did other people in the room
well the next morning my brother called me and told me mom was dead
i got there and the room smelled like decay, like it had been for the last months
a corpse there, she was gone
my brother on his computer
my other brother on his phone
my father in the lounge down the hall
i sat on the windowsill, wondering “ why am i looking out this window ? ”
i have become jaundiced about women and their “ neediness ” and for a surprisingly high porportion
, their brains start to go after menopause
i have become jaundiced about women and their “ neediness ” and a surprisingly high porportion
, their brains start to go after menopause
if she is fucking
some-one else
if she is fucking
some-body else
if they are having sex with
some-one else
if they are having sex with
some-body else
problem !
you want to read some english poets as well so you get a feel for writing in english and particularly get a feel for “ ellipsis ” in english as good poetry is all about well judged ellipsis, translations never cut the ice !
actually i think its a bit of a truism, the more you read of quality literature the better
a good poem is a gift from god, it comes complete and already laid out, i just write it down like it wants to be
as i say write yourself, donʼt be worried about the quality and just let it speak to you !
if you go back through what i said, you were being answered (ed. a redditor persistently asking why i spaced words and paragraphs in my posts)
, like “ writing is meditation ” it sort of has its own need for space and thatʼs the dynamic i respond too, not all i write needs that space
if you are really involved in what you write, it tells you !
why do the religious morons who spew scriptural bullshit so hate art ?
because it shows them up
they hate orginality
why do the buddhist morons who spew scriptural bullshit so hate art ?
because it shows them up
they hate orginality
do you see how negative you are on other people being creative !
iʼve seen people like you sitting complacent in their consumer gaming, music and tv worlds and the only true artists are the dead to be reverenced and anything else crushed down upon
you people are more loathsome than cane toads ! : o)
actually i think my
insincere is as good as anything ryokan did and better than andy warhol ! : o)
iʼm open to something that ryokan did better, but you need to post it !
warhol is just intelligent rubbish though !
what a lot of bullshit
, (ed. a nonsense hagiographical blurb of ryokan) you just take stuff and legends without actually researching him at all
, so have no understanding !
heʼs portrayed as some simple bumpkin, but he was in fact the most literary of japanese poets and is so allusive to other works he doesnʼt
, translate well !
a fair portion of his life he stayed by himself in abandoned cottages, didnʼt do his gut any good starving like he did and he certainly had
everything is second hand with you, no genuine experience of your own, that why you react so harshly against originality !
heʼs made into some god by you chair bound morons who just proselytize endless bullshit without seeing a problem in it !
you have never read ryokan, you have never read any of the very good biographies about him, you just chew candy floss opinions
iʼve been writing for years and generally prefer it to almost everything of ryokan
there nothing in ryokan that can touch this, my best poem i think !
cherry petals
“ its this ”
no, its not this
“ its that ”
no its not that
“ well its this and that ”
no its not ‘ this and that ’ either . .
using space around the words
zen has always had a strong interest in calligraphy, and famous calligraphers
, ryokan for one !
the thing about calligraphy is it is not just the characters that are important, but the space around the words creates resonances that impact the meaning
to do that digitally on reddit is still possible, for example the way i have spaced
this conveys something a bit different from its straight meaning !
zen has always had a strong showing in the arts, poetry, sculpture (bankei was a sculptor), pottery, painting, calligraphy
you know , masters werenʼt just the ewk/buji type nilhists so easy to copy but had positive artistic abilities
i know this doesnʼt suit todayʼs generations of game playing consumerists with nothing in the way of artistic skills except a sullen mediocrity . .
polyunsaturated fatty acids are liquid at room temperature
what people suppose is reality
is illusion
what people suppose is illusion
is reality
I e
n r
s e
i c
so which one are
you ?
ed. click on the picture for a better resolution version !
btw, recent research has shown it not to be by hieronymus bosch and actually if you look at the style its clearly by a different person and lacks boschʼs intellectual power !
young, those fleeting years will pass like water
those fleeting years will pass like water
writing is meditation
writing is meditation !
writing is meditation !
writing is meditation !
writing is meditation
i only take saturated fats from say cooking or as cream, never as a deliberate supplement
i donʼt think you can rely on freeze drying to kill all parasites in animal products
i use a bolus dose system for vitamin
E, 1
50 iu when i feel a migraine coming on, then nothing for up to fourteen days though it can be sooner
a tablespoon of sunflower oil daily is way too much, long term that can cause
cataract !
a tablespoon of sunflower oil daily is way too much, long term that can cause cataract
i really feel the cold, probably have bad mitochondria !
of preludefanguy on reddit zen
you know what your speciality is, lying by omission !
iʼve worked out a few things about you !
thereʼs no basis for a conversation when i canʼt trust a single thing you say !
you know what your speciality is, lying by omission !
you know what your speciality is, lying by omission
b y e and please do not respond to me again !
its not easy being a “ spiritual genius ” !
: o )
“ youʼve had brain that wasnʼt fresh ? ”
yeah, they last maybe three or four days in the fridge but best eaten within two days
and maybe a couple of months in the freezer, longer, they have “ lost ” it
krill oil gives a lot of what fresh brains give
only fresh brain keeps the undamaged phospholipids
buddhist priests are just like christian priests, they take some scriptual nonsense and try to make something entertaining and instructive from it
the really crazies are academics and theologians who parlay the erratic nonsense and disjointed idiocy of scripture into an explanation for “ life
, the universe and everything ”
raving f o o l s
the morons love themselves !
the morons love themselves
when you get older
, you understand that most things donʼt pan out !
when you get older, you understand that most things donʼt pan out !
when you get older, you understand that most things donʼt pan out
a google
talk , gino blefari on real estate investing
it is utterly insane to think you can understand something without real life experience of it !
it is utterly insane to think you can understand something without real life experience of it
zen is as at home with charles bukowski and emily dickinson as with the records of joshu
buddhism is like a coat it wears in asia, western zen varies from quite churchy (sfzc, rzc) to nondenominational (springwater)
the impact of a lack of real life zen experience means you have no idea of how zen really works, which is actually not well conveyed in the literature, ewk suffers from this in spades . .
the lack of solitary contemplative time means you are stuck is some arid waste of time desert
in addition what i find is that quality reading is needed and i donʼt mean buddhist, alan watts and feel good bullshit
tell us about your real life zen and contemplative experience !
lacking both you think that some sort of buddhist schematic nonsense covers the ground !
there has been, is, and will be, billions like you, lives spent wallowing in bullshit, why you prefer things this way i cannot guess !
these pretending idiots, stuck in their fixed semantics !
these pretending idiots, stuck in their fixed semantics
no contemplative experience, no real life zen experience
, you are just masturbating !
juggling absurd cliches is not zen !
being objective is fundamental, you will always be trapped in the limited circle of your own ideas !
being objective is fundamental, you will always be trapped in the limited circle of your own ideas !
you fool yourself too well to warrant an effort by me !
youʼre just another retard upset by my effective writing showing up your bullshit !
“ keep going and youʼll be
bent out of shape ”
so you got bent out of shape by what i wrote, too true for you ?
you are so full of crap, whatʼs with you, thereʼs something wrong with your brain !
breed on you idiot !
people like you canʼt be argued with, you have no sense of shame for so gratuitously wasting your time
people like you canʼt be argued with, you have no sense of shame for so gratuitously wasting your time
people like you canʼt be argued with, you have no sense of shame for so gratuitously wasting your time
you are suffering from ‘ suburban rose tinted glasses ’ and cannot look rationally
you are suffering from ‘ suburban rose tinted glasses ’ and cannot look rationally
you are suffering from suburban rose tinted glasses and cannot look rationally
truths stick in suburban zennists throats
truths stick in suburban zennists throats
thereʼs a copy of the mona lisa, painted alongside the original !
possibly part of a
stereoscopic pair ! ?
stranger than fiction !
: o )
women pack up and prepare to die once their children have reached a certain age
women pack up and prepare to die once their children have reached a certain age
women pack up and prepare to die once their kids have reached a certain age
women pack up and prepare to die once their kids have reached a certain age
“ what is the difference between a zen master and a yoga master ? ”
a zen master bends the truth
a patriarch bends truth and lies
a yoga master bends his body !
“ what is the difference between a zen master and a yoga master ? ”
a zen master bends the truth
a patriarch bends ‘ truth and lies ’
a yoga master bends his body !
“ what is knowable ?
what true statements can we /i know ? ”
is it untrue that lies are better than truth ?
“ what is knowable ?
what true statements can we /i know ? ”
is it true that lies are better than truth ?
josh waitzkin on problems of
transistioning from building up the “ potential energy ” of a position into the tactical taking advantage of it !
a good
interview with joko beck, i get the feeling in her later years she got really pissed off with the people in zen
jason w r i t e s
when you take things step by step, it becomes less complicated !
“ . . forcing communication into these pathetic little
short-circuits depressed by an astonishingly large set of overbearing molds in the form of koans – from an entirely lost civilization ? ”
written and thoughtful !
brad warner was also complaining about recent changes at tassajara
its on his blog somewhere, just a short comment about him not liking recent directions at tassajara and keeping away as to go there would just mean trouble for him !
in fact heʼs certainly one of the better zen teachers and i thought tassajara always treated him shabbily when he went there !
when all is said and done zen is basically about enlightenment experiences despite all the rummage about “ practice ” and i think tassajara and the sfzc has moved into “ practice as the answer ” and denies the validity and primacy of “ enlightenment experiences ”
competency in zen comes from these experiences though of course there is a lot of work associated with them
so i would say tassajara and the sfzc has become increasingly incompetent in terms of what supposedly it is about and you just have a shell of social control, meaningless ritual, overt mental illness and pointless labour left !
kuan yin today, yama tomorrow ?
or is it mostly yama
kuan yin today, yama tomorrow ?
or is it mostly yama ?
sting saw the similarities between the early beatles song
girl and astor piazzollaʼs
libertango and the respective dates
1963 and
1974 make it likely the plagiarism was by piazzola !
good dancing by inna svechnikova and dmitry chernysh
apparently taizan maezumi groomed joko beckʼs underaged daughter for sex
apparently taizan maezumi groomed joko beckʼs underaged daughter for sex
apparently taizan maezumi groomed joko beckʼs underaged daughter for sex
i have met quite a range of zen teachers, john loori and mt. tremper teachers, kwan um zen which has a lot of teachers, familiar with the “ white dumb asanga sex club ” lol, basically left all that and put in several stays at the springwater center with toni packer and others there
i have spoken with joko beck, never visited, maybe i should have, she was really quite negative on the goings on and liked toni packer
jason w r i t e s
stupidly used my head at soccer tonight, still feel it an hour later
the guy who owns the farm goes with me most of the time, told him that i still felt it and he said “ i was surprised you did that, that was a long drive, i was gonna say ‘ youʼre not getting any smarter ! ’ ”
jason asks
so celibacy is a lot less common for women ?
r e p l y
women are so hormonally driven that celibacy may be destructive to them
for women, everything is peripheral except having babies and raising children !
they are purpose designed for it !
for women, everything is peripheral except having babies !
for women, everything is peripheral except having babies
there is some great enlightenment that certainly does not make you omnipotent, but you havenʼt had it and are just going in circles !
you are too comfortable, real enlightenment cannot be untangled from tragedy
the real zen is celibate, you are on the wrong road “ for married with kids ”
you can’t ride two horses at once, be happy with the horse you are riding, the other is a demon mare only handleable by the celibate
karl oveʼs wife works and he is a stay at home husband
thatʼs how he was able to write
a lot of young people have the major life issue of no skills in an work environment that pays unskilled labour below the poverty level !
zen is rough, bodhidharma was possibily executed, huike was assassinated and han shan was a political powerplayer that/who lost out in the an
lu-shan rebellion and had to hide in the wilderness for the rest of his life !
in my observation/experience a lot of mental health patients deliberately turn a blind eye to the long term health ramifications of medications, i suspect this is because its only a certain type of
non-adaptive person with issues that actually ends up in the mental health system, if you can fudge your way to avoid being in it, that is the rational road for a certain competence
jason w r i t e s
beauty fades, what else have you got ?
“ the beauty of my children ”
jason asks
beauty fades, what else have you got ?
“ the beauty of my children ”
why is it, the best writers are suicides ?
sometimes late at night when i take the wheelbarrow out to the woodshed to get more firewood, i will just lean back or lie on whatʼs left of the stack and look at the night sky for an hour or so . .
just to do nothing and look at the night sky
17 writes
i do struggle with sleep and food
iʼve lost
13 pounds since starting
TOXIC doses of prescription lithium carbonate (currently
300mg in the morning and
450mg at night)
my reply
now i know you are crazy !
nothing like thyroid problems to fuck up your old age !
“ Well if you believe the people calling me dumber than a thumb then I am totally incapable of understanding as a rule ”
you are not reading carefully enough or being thoughtful about what you read !
you are replying to me because you recognise validity in what i say but at the same time you deny it !
reading is what transmits wisdom that we could never manage to garner by ourselves in our own lifetimes unaided
its not a question of “ being dumb ” but not having the right work habits and putting in a lot of slog and solitary contemplative time
i really think you have been very damaged by your time at mt. tremper in some respects, got the wrong idea of what zen is about, some flick ridden doctrine and zen as self aggrandizement
but diet and
sleep , donʼt address these and you are wasting your time !
ewk, please see a mental health professional to explain to you that
being a
hermit is a signature activity of zen !
please see a mental health professional to explain to you that
being a hermit is a signature activity of zen !
being a hermit is a signature activity of zen !
“ what doesnʼt destroy you makes you stronger ! ”
if it doesnʼt take so long that old age is destroying you anyway !
any idea that “ children love one ” is flawed !
any idea that “ children love one ” is flawed
i think we are pretty well fixed from age
8 or nine
you are smart enough to listen to me and save yourself a lot of “ learning the hard way ”
jason writes
savancy madness retardation sanity
schizophrenia autism bpd bipolar
my co m m e n t
like your fellow worker exposing everyone to mono infection, the real craziness is just glossed over !
each of us is a blend of a lot of things
each of us is a blend of a lot of things
“ do you still have the weird website about lithium and stuff ? ”
to the druggies helping yourself so you donʼt need drugs is “ weird ”
to the endless wretches on psychiatric dose lithium destroying their health with the toxicity, microdose lithium is weird
well if you donʼt have the reading age or interest to understand what i say thereʼs not much i can do is there !
if you donʼt have the reading age or interest to understand what i say thereʼs not much i can do is there !
well if you donʼt have the reading age to understand what i say thereʼs not much i can do is there !
if you donʼt have the reading age to understand what i say thereʼs not much i can do is there !
the psychology of the human male is hard to understand !
this is
volunteer !
your whole perspective is screwed, you are not interested in anything except validating your own stupidity !
you are too tight a ball to untangle !
how can i put it ?
you are just a fucking corpse, there is no life !
mono has a long recovery period, you want to take it easy
if you have had your tonsils out you less likely to get it !
people donʼt isolate themsleves like they used to !
watch out for yourself !
if you donʼt see the problem you wonʼt improve in skill !
if you donʼt see the problem you wonʼt improve in skill
if you donʼt see the problem you wonʼt develop the skill
if you donʼt see the problem you wonʼt develop the skill
dia kensho is like opening a safe, you have a rough idea of the combination, then one day accidently open it !
alternatively it can be driven by unconcious processes and the opening occurring apparently spontaneously !
in my older age and experience i now think there are openings that you not even aware of and simply recognisable to you by some deep change in approach !
proper dia kensho removes doubt
dogen and hakuin had proper dai kensho
i think you got damaged by your time at mt. tremper,
no-one there including john had proper dia kensho, rather facsimiles !
thereʼs a lot more freedom with proper dia kensho if taken !
your idea of zen is jaundiced !
mumokan case
“ a buffalo passes through a window
his head, horns, and four legs all go past
but why canʼt the tail pass too ? ”
for the tail to pass it has to flick both sides, if you only flick one youʼll never see it !
too scared i guess !
the process of both sides itself sees it, you donʼt even need a memory of it !
answering on reddit and expecting to influence
i think the presuppposition of being a positive influence underlies posting, but another way to look at that is to read the history of the person you are replying to and realizing that you canʼt deviate them from their average
i have always posted for myself and been quite careful to do that . .
the problem with drugs is they are chemically random
if you want something that really blows the boundaries of reality in a constructive way read emily dickinson or charles bukowski !
but of course the druggies donʼt because this blowing of the boundaries in a way that clarifies is truely what they donʼt want to see, so they prefer the randomness of their “ chemicals ”
charles bukowski and emily dickinson have a perspective that conflicts with your own !
thatʼs the true mystical perspective
, you on the other hand superimpose some crazy fucked up psilocybin kaleidoscope claiming thatʼs zen !
you are in some sort of toxic malfunctional day dream if you wanted to know and its not r/zen thatʼs the problem !
drumduan upper
sorta makes you/one weep doesnʼt it !
most women are lethal without being impolite !
i drink lithium
water , does that make me a drug taker ?
ewk you are the only person i know
saying dogen is a fraud and you are noticeably short on specifics, like i have suggested you research his account of his trip to china, but you wonʼt even read it !
its the whole proxy demon, you are all “ about ” and never actually do any in depth research work !
the fukanzazengi was written by dogen, as is common with zen texts it includes copious amounts of material from others
the most straightforward area of your claimed “ lies ” by eihei dogen is him saying he went to china and reading dogenʼs accounts of his trip i have no reason to doubt it !
you really donʼt understand “ enlightenment ” dia kensho and zenʼs insistence about it, like many others on reddit zen you simply take zen to be about what you read and have no real life experience of it !
you need to show something specific about dogenʼs trip to china that brings the whole thing into question !
what i know is with research you can see the trip was likely funded by a kyoto shogun and its easy to see in dogenʼs accounts that he was an aristocrat paying his way !
“ if you have opinions about any of the main zen books or masters i would be interested ”
i quite like “ the recorded sayings of zen master joshu ”
translated by james green
the blue cliff record of course
joshu is the best role model for people like you and me, not too smart and slow developing
ewk, why do you treat psychiatry as an ultimate authority ?
for you, the normative social constructs are first and what zen is about is second
you are so christian protestant in your approach, religion (zen in your current case) is some proxy into which one goes that the normative world reigns supreme over
this is why you like the filtered old chan records and diss the masters for whom we have strong biographies and autobiographies like dogen, haukin and ryokan who unequivocally do not fit any “ normative view ”
ewk, can i suggest the signature line for you
there's nothing wrong with being fat ! ”
muddy writing, thinking and the usual druggie f a k e n e s s
muddy writing, thinking and the usual druggie f a k e n e s s
patriarchs donʼt reject useful !
he never goes into enough detail on things he forms opinions on to get them right enough and criticism is water off a duckʼs back for him !
he never goes into enough detail on things he forms opinions on to get them right enough
yeah sorta “ decoy ” visiting on others the problems of his own life !
a meaningless waste of time life !
yeah sorta “ decoy ” visiting on others the problems of his own life !
you completely skipped over what i said !
the true zen is to tease things part and look at what they are made of !
you just run from one object to the next and validating it according to your internal schema !
the true zen is to tease things part and look at what they are made of !
you just run from one object to the next and validating it according to your internal schema !
the jewels spin through and out of sight again
its a bit depressing
the jewels spin through and out of sight again
when you can die unloved you are a zen master !
when you die neither loved or unloved you are a zen patriarch !
if you donʼt die you are immortal !
the last seems the most unlikely option ! : o)
when you can die unloved you are a zen master !
when you die neither loved nor unloved you are a zen patriarch !
if you donʼt die you are immortal !
the last seems the most unlikely option ! : o)
when you can die unloved you are a zen master
when you die neither loved or unloved you are a zen patriarch
if you donʼt die you are immortal
the last seems the most unlikely option : o)
when you can die unloved you are a zen master
when you die neither loved nor unloved you are a zen patriarch
if you donʼt die you are immortal
the last seems the most unlikely option : o)
thereʼs more to
eyelids than meets the eye !
what zen master didn't stretch himself ?
what zen master didn't stretch himself ?
what zen master didnʼt stretch himself ?
what zen master didnʼt stretch himself ?
what zen master didn't stretch himself
what zen master didnʼt stretch himself
jason quotes a question to him and comments on it
“ what do you write about ? ”
thought youʼd ask that
what ever i want really
do yourself a favour and let posting grow you and not circumscribe yet again some closed retarded space !
intelligent posting is like catching a train to where you want to go compared to meaninglessly swapping routes
its like catching a train to where you want to go or just meaninglessly swapping routes
“ i think that a zen master finds himself on the train and might not end up remembering what stop he gets off at until it announces it as the next stop,
then he probably finds himself standing up ”
yeah from what i have seen of “ zen masters ” that is true !
so one needs to be the step up, that is
a patriarch !
zen masters are complete idiots and frauds from what i have seen !
its like catching a train to where you want to go or just meaninglessly swapping routes
ewk, one day you will no longer post on r/zen, why not think about that day
what meaning has your time spent there
in angry bluster ?
one day you will no longer post on r/zen, why not think about that day
what meaning has your time spent there
to think you know something about anything without any real life experience of it is just cr a z y !
to think you know something about anything without any real life experience of it is just cr a z y
to think you know something about anything without any real life experience of it is just crazy !
exercise can be surprisingly effective for depression !
versus psychosis and schizophrenia
from the zen view ordinary life is psychosis and schizophrenia,
from “ normative reality ” zen looks like psychosis and schizophrenia
what can
say ?
how long will
some-one ramble nonsense on reddit zen before they get tired of it ?
listenable , a reading of leo tolstoyʼs
the death of ivan ilyitch
might be pancreatic cancer from the way its described !
studies by peter klein have radically altered the provenance of some of hieronymus boschʼs paintings, as per kleinʼs quote
“ the escorial ‘ crowning with thorns ’ panel can only have been painted after
1525 and so is not a bosch original
the same goes for the rotterdam ‘ marriage feast at cana ’ panel which can only have been painted after 1553
it has also become clear that the rotterdam ‘ pedlar ’ tondo
, the paris ‘ ship of fools ’ panel and the washington ‘ death of a miser ’ panel have been painted on wood from one and the same tree ”
the two to eight years between the felling of the tree and its use as a painting substrate allows “ the ship of fools ” to be a direct satire of a
frontispiece of sebastian brantʼs
PCOS is a
downstream effect of elevated androgenic hormones !
christianity starts to make sense if you give st. paul priority as the founder and not jesus, the vision on the road to damascus and his celibacy !
the drinking, woman loving bullshit artist called jesus was a later add on to suit the church and ultimately the various state/religious constructs that emerged !
the problem is entertainment is all bullshit, you are watching dr. who instead of reading emily dickinson or charles bukowski and of course on reddit zen you can pretend you know something when you are just another of the dormant zombies that life casts off !
when you look at how the rich live its not that much fun, some stupid fucking
boat stuck on the coast near naples !
mariah carey looks a bundle of trouble, health not good and pursuing who knows what !
dr. who is a time lord but he never got enlightened
dr. who is a time lord but he never got enlightened
dr. who was a time lord but he never got enlightened
dr. who was a time lord but he never got enlightened
we would all live our lives differently if we had them over again !
we would all live our lives differently if we had them over again
its like dr. who, ten years passes, whatʼs changed ?
its like dr. who, ten years passes whatʼs changed ?
look at what you echo, your brain knows more than you !
puzzle t h i s
look at what you echo, your brain knows more than you
puzzle t h i s
look at what you echo, your brain knows more than you
yeah , but its possible gauguin cut the ear off and vincent covered for him !
vincent is way super sane from his writings
, the madness thing is overdone !
similarly he never shot himself, but was accidently shot in some drunken tomfoolery by a young man
“ You are not your body.
is the brain part of the body ? ”
are you your conciousness ?
swallow on olʼ ouroboros
“ You are not your body.
is the brain part of the body ? ”
are you your conciousness ?
chew on olʼ ouroboros
“ You are not your body.
is the brain part of the body ? ”
are you your conciousness ?
roll on olʼ ouroboros
“ You are not your body.
is the brain part of the body ? ”
are you your conciousness ?
are you your conciousness ?
are you your conciousness
a good
explanation of hare krishna by brad warner !
i have noticed with the mormons, jehovahʼs witnesses etc they present an outward veneer of respectability, but once you get into the belief system its pure physcosis !
imo brad is doing quite a bit better disabling the comments section on his blog, thereʼs something damaging about dealing with those fractious dunderheads
you donʼt pay attention to detail and this always sends you off the road !
you donʼt pay attention to detail and this always sends you off the road
you donʼt pay attention to detail and this sends you always off the road !
you donʼt pay attention to detail and this sends you always off the road
“ just avoid picking and choosing ”
or in modern english
, “ be objective ”
so hard for the mass of morons !
“ just avoid picking and choosing ”
or in modern english
, “ be objective ”
so hard for the mass of morons !